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I am Beatriz del Castillo

I am Beatriz del Castillo

I am Beatriz del Castillo
In my life, I have often felt the need to change my underwear quickly without having to undress. Either because I had stained them due to my period, or because of an excess of vaginal discharge… I needed to take them off and put on clean and dry ones. Because of my tendency to suffer from vaginal candidiasis, I have always been advised to avoid prolonged wetness in the private area.
Changing underwear in a confined public space, in winter, wearing pants, boots, etc., is a major challenge. In those situations, I always thought the same thing: I could really use a pair of underwear that could be opened and closed right now!
That idea went one step further the day I decided to create my
own underwear that were simple homemade prototypes with diapers
opening system. Although I put a lot of effort into it, those first prototypes
were a failure, and the diaper system didn’t work out. So, I continued researching, asking, and listening…

In my life, I have often felt the need to change my underwear quickly without having to undress. Either because I had stained them due to my period, or because of an excess of vaginal discharge… I needed to take them off and put on clean and dry ones. Because of my tendency to suffer from vaginal candidiasis, I have always been advised to avoid prolonged wetness in the private area.
Changing underwear in a confined public space, in winter, wearing pants, boots, etc., is a major challenge. In those situations, I always thought the same thing: I could really use a pair of underwear that could be opened and closed right now!

That idea went one step further the day I decided to create my own underwear that were simple homemade prototypes with diapers opening system. Although I put a lot of effort into it, those first prototypes were a failure, and the diaper system didn’t work out. So, I continued researching, asking, and listening…

Throughout all that time, I talked to numerous women and discovered that many of them shared with me the need for open-and-close underwear, but for different and much more challenging reasons than mine. Elderly women with mobility problems who have to ask for help to put on their underwear; women who are recovering from a serious trauma injury or from a surgery with a complicated post-operative period and have reduced mobility; women who work or play sports in extreme conditions for long periods of time and do not have the option of changing their underwear unless they are fully undressed.
Thanks to their comments and assessments, these women have helped me move forward and carry this project out. The numerous previous prototypes (developed thanks to the trust and complicity of Montse Ribera), the effort, the resources and the more than ten years of my life invested in this project made sense the day one of the first women who tested Bix said that they had been very useful during her hospitalization after a surgical intervention. Bix had fulfilled their mission.
Throughout all that time, I talked to numerous women and discovered that many of them shared with me the need for open-and-close underwear, but for different and much more challenging reasons than mine. Elderly women with mobility problems who have to ask for help to put on their underwear; women who are recovering from a serious trauma injury or from a surgery with a complicated post-operative period and have reduced mobility; women who work or play sports in extreme conditions for long periods of time and do not have the option of changing their underwear unless they are fully undressed.
Thanks to their comments and assessments, these women have helped me move forward and carry this project out. The numerous previous prototypes (developed thanks to the trust and complicity of Montse Ribera), the effort, the resources and the more than ten years of my life invested in this project made sense the day one of the first women who tested Bix said that they had been very useful during her hospitalization after a surgical intervention. Bix had fulfilled their mission.

The Bix brand has a purpose: to help these women
And also all those who find in Bix a solution to an unmet need so far.
Bix have no age; they just want to make everyday life easier, which is difficult enough for some people.
Behind these names are the people who have helped me in one way or another to make this project grow.
Thank you all for your support and generosity.
Montse Ribera · Imma Vega · Paquita Farrés · Raquel Gordó de Icatme · Eli Montmany de Icatme · Laura de Vazeilles · Mireia Domínguez · Luisa Morán · Mª Luz Poblador · Josefina Vilardell · Mireia Ridaura y sus Señoras Estupendas · Cristina Pacheco · Tania Pareja · Raquel Cabrera y mis compañeras del programa INICIA de Barcelona Activa · Maite Muntalà de Hospital Clínic · Anna Flotats de Hospital Clínic · Núria Filló de CEMCAT · Esther Simón · Erola Bisquert · Pilar López · Laia Acero · Marta Folch · Mar Sabrià · Maria Murcia · Marta Presseguer · Carla Mayol · Alicia Rial · Carol Ibáñez · Alesia Balaci · Sonia Franch
Manolo Santa María · Ángel del Castillo · Lola del Castillo · Elena del Castillo · Luis Santa María · Amalia Santa María · Isabel Fernández · Ramón Santa María · Isabel Mestres · Manel Rosado · Nicolás Delgado · Sofía Escarrá · Meritxell Alvira · Mar Andreu · Beatriz Cabezas · Maribel Curadó · Marta Losilla · Marta Marcè · Natalia Pich · Anna Ramon · Marc Tió · Blanca Escarrá · Ana Balañá · Cuca Guifré · Mercè Soler · Cristina Morisa · Lourdes Arqués · Ferran Simón · Conrad Torras · Eva Pérez · Alejandra Arderiu · Susana Fernández · Cristina Masachs